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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

PS4 1.74 update out now

New update rolled out to fix bugs in the system. System stability as they call it.

Here are a few shoots of the update.

PS4 is so powerful, just got it recently and it had an issue after watching a blu-ray movie. I turned it off and then a minute later turned on and then keep ejecting the disk.

Just disconnected the system from the power after turning it off and it hasn't done it since. Startup glitch, don't know.

Sure hope this fixes that problem. I also found that first few days unit seemed to get really hot then now it is like warm air coming out the back. Used to get hot, maybe getting used to the load or something re-soldered itself back with that heat and now regulating power normally. Don't know for sure. We'll see, I'll keep you updated.
