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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sony PS3 for $140 at Target this week

There is an article from the examiner out today that states that you can purchase a PS3 for as little as $140 dollars at target stores.
playstation 3

This is the catch, you have to purchase a Blu-ray movie to receive a 100 dollar gift card towards a PS3 only. Then they are also running a promotion this week that ends Saturday, May 28th, 2011 that gives you a 60 dollar gift card for purchasing a PS3.

Now the article states that you can purchase the 160GB PS3 using both gift cards together, but there have been several attempts from others and have not been successful at getting both discounts most likely because you get the 60 dollars after you purchase the PS3.
Regardless, if you just buy the blu-ray movie you already get 100 gift card that can defiantly be used to buy PS3. Just make sure to purchase the movie first and then go buy PS3. You can try by asking the manager that you want to use both and if there is a way to get them, but can’t guarantee it.
For full details visit this following link at the
PS3 for up to 160 dollars off at target
All this could be because we are just around the corner from E3, electronic expo 2011 that many critics speculate will bring a price drop for the system. Don’t think it will be 100 off, probably only 50 off. So this Target deal is a winner.
Are you heading over to get one? Did you get full discounts? Let us know in comment section below.

Update! Update! Click on link below to see proof and read article

Update with proof

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